JBF National latches and catches are manufactured from the highest quality materials. They are designed and tested for ultimate reliability and durability. CA-3500 is manufactured from steel and stainless steel in a variety of finishes including olive drab, black oxide, and cadmium plated. This model has an ultimate strength rating of 600 Lbs. Uses strike SK-3500 Please see component diagram below.
JBF National Part Number | Product Description |
CA-3500-ST-OD-144 | Steel / Zinc Olive DrabĀ |
CA-3500-SS-CP-(.130 or .144) | Stainless / Passivated /.130 or .144 Hole |
CA-3500-ST-CZ-(.130 or .140) | Steel / Clear Zinc /.130 or .140 Hole |
CA-3500-SS-BO(.130 or .140) | Stainless / Black Oxide /.130 or .140 Hole |
CA-3500-ST-CD-130 | Steel / Cadmium PlatedĀ |